Merchant Support ≫

When you click on one of our offers and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission.

How do I add my store?

At, we place great emphasis on excellence and quality. That’s why we very much prefer Quality over Quantity. If you want to add your online store to, please make sure that you meet our acceptance criteria.

If that is the case, you can use our “Submit A Code” form to inform us about your shop and a valid voucher code. If we really haven’t yet listed your online shop, our team will check your request and then decide whether the online store fits our offer. If this is the case, we will add your shop to our database and publish the corresponding voucher codes.

If you are a member of an affiliate network such as Awin, Affilinet, Commission Junction or LinkShare, you can also send us an invitation to your affiliate program right away.

How do I submit my offer?

Do you have a voucher code or a special offer that is not yet listed on If your shop is already listed on our portal and you are already working with us, please contact your key account manager and tell them the required information.

If you are not yet a partner, you can submit a request for the inclusion of your online shop, including the corresponding discount offer, through our “Submit A Code” form. Our team will then review your request and add your shop as well as the offer, if our criteria are met.  

Is your shop already listed on, but the logo is outdated or needs to be edited? Please use our contact form to let us know, along with a link to the correct logo format.

Please make sure that the logo is embedded in a good quality and if possible with a transparent background. Our team will process your request as fast as possible and change the logo.

Why is my store no longer on the site?

Our team is putting great emphasis on the high quality of our portal. That is why we might sporadically decide to remove shops which no longer meet our quality requirements from

If you are of the opinion, that we have wrongfully removed your shop from, please reach out to us by using our contact form. Our team will then process your request and get in touch with you.

How can I have a voucher code removed from

Our goal is to offer our users the best possible set of voucher codes. If, in this context, a voucher code has been published on, which has not officially been released, you can get in touch with us via our contact form.

Our team will then process your request as fast as possible and remove the correspondent discount code from our portal.

How do I book placements on

At, you can choose from a variety of placements. All of them are reserved for our top-selling key accounts and can only be booked after consultation with our advertising team. If you are not yet part of our key accounts, you can reach our team by using the contact email address listed in our affiliate network profiles.